MonitorsOn(): - Enable multi-monitor support in Windows 98. You may use this to re-enable the second monitor once the display mode has been set and OpenGL has stabilized. - $ MonitorsOff(): - Disable multi-monitor support in Windows98. - $ ogl_bUseCompiledVertexArrays: - =XYZ (each of 0 or 1) Enable/disable usage of Compiled Vertex Arrays for rendering of particles (X), world (Y) and/or models (Z). Enabling this can speedup rendering process, but may cause artefacts, crashes or heavy slowdowns on some boards. - $ ogl_iMaxBurstSize: - Minumum number of vertices that can to passed to OpenGL in one vertex array. (0 = unlimited) - $ gap_iUseTextureUnits: - Specify how much texture units to use for multi-texturing. (number of maximum units is limited by the hardware) 1 = no multi-texturing 2 = dual-texturing 3 = triple-texturing 4 = quad-texturing - $ ogl_iTextureCompressionType: - Specify texture compression type to use: 0 = no compression allowed 1 = default compression (thru ARB extension) 2 = S3TC 3 = FTX1 4 = S3TC (old) If specified texture compression type is not supported, it'll automatically revert to first supported type. (order: 2 <-> 3 -> 1 -> 4 ->0) NOTE: It is recommended to set tex_iCompressionFormat=00, before changing compression type. - $ gap_bOptimizeStateChanges: - Ignore redundant state changes. - $ gap_iOptimizeClipping: - Signal to GfxAPI whether clipping is needed or not for specific model. 0 = allways needed (safe) 1 = maybe not needed for mirror-plane (optimal for T&L boards) 2 = maybe not needed for frustum (optimal for non-T&L boards) - $ gap_iDithering: - Select dithering method for 16-bit display modes. 0 = don't dither at all (not recommended) 1 = don't dither when blending (when dithering patterns are too visible) 2 = always dither (the best choice for most cases) - $ gap_iFinish: - 0 = do not force API to finish rendering (performance) 1 = finish all rendering before begining of next frame (optimal) 2 = force finish of rendering before swapping of buffers (safe) 3 = force finish of rendering before matrix change and after swapping of buffers (paranoid) - $ gap_iSwapInterval: - Number of vertical retraces to wait before swapping of buffers (0-9). - $ ogl_bExclusive: - Claim exclusive window access in full screen mode. (might cause problems with some drivers) - $ gap_bAllowSingleMipmap: - Allow of only one mipmap for textures with one mipmap, instead of generating all lower mipmaps. - $ gap_bAllowGrayTextures: - Allow usage of grayscale internal formats for gray textures. - $ ogl_bAllowQuadArrays: - Select different rendering method for 2D primitives, simple model shadows and particles. This might improve or degrade performance and compatibility. (use with caution!) - $ gap_iTextureFiltering: - Texture filtering mode (=XYZ). Interpolation types for X=magnification, Y=minification, Z=mipmap filter: X=0 - same as Y-value X=1 - nearest-neighbour X=2 - bilinear Y=1 - nearest-neighbour Y=2 - bilinear Z=0 - none (no mipmapping) Z=1 - bilinear Z=2 - trilinear - $ gap_fTextureLODBias: - LOD bias for mipmap switching. <0 = more details (somewhat slower performance) 0 = default >0 = less details (faster performance) (values lower than -2 might cause rendering slowdowns) - $ gap_iTextureAnisotropy: - Anisotropy degree for texture filtering (>=1). 1 = default (isotropic filtering) >1 = anisotropic (2 is minimum) - $ gap_iOptimizeDepthReads: - How and when to issue read from z-buffer requests (for lens flares). 0 = immediately upon request 1 = at every frame 2 = 10 times a second - $ gap_bForceTruform: - Use Truform (N-Patches) tesselation even on models that are not prepared for it. - $ gap_iTruformLevel: - Specifiy tesselation level (detail). (0 = no tesselation) - $ d3d_bUseHardwareTnL: - Specify whether to use HW T&L (if present) or not. Note: requires ApplyVideoMode() - $ d3d_iMaxBurstSize: - Minumum number of vertices that can to passed to Direct3D in one vertex array. (0 = unlimited) - $ d3d_iVertexBuffersSize: - Specify size of buffer that holds geometry for Direct3D. - $ d3d_bAlternateDepthReads: - Setting this will improve performance of lens-flares, but might cause artefacts on some occasions. - $ d3d_bOptimizeVertexBuffers: - Use alternate approach when submiting vertices to Direct3D. (0 is recommended for non-T&L boards) - $ ogl_iTBufferEffect: - Type of T-Buffer effect to use: 0 = none 1 = partial anti-aliasing (doesn't blur text and 2D) 2 = motion blur NOTE: On some system configurations T-Buffer effect(s) might not work properly. (driver issues) - $ ogl_iTBufferSamples: - Number of T-Buffers to use for effect (2, 4 or 8). - $ mdl_bCreateStrips: - Create triangle strips when loading models. - $ mdl_bShowStrips: - DEBUG: Show model triangle strips in color. - $ mdl_bFineQuality: - (should be left to 1 for now) - $ mdl_iShadowQuality: - Quality of model shadow: 0 = no shadow 1 = low quality (single polygon - fast) 2 = high quality from one light (multiple polygons - slow) 3 = high quality from all lights (multiple shadows & polygons - very slow) - $ mdl_fLODMul: - Multiplier for models LOD factor (default=1). - $ mdl_fLODAdd: - Bias for models LOD factor (default=0). - $ mdl_iLODDisappear: - When LOD model will disappear: 0 = never 1 = ignore bias level 2 = with bias level - $ mdl_bRenderDetail: - Allow detail textures on models. - $ mdl_bRenderSpecular: - Allow specular reflection on models. - $ mdl_bRenderReflection: - Allow reflection mapping on models. - $ mdl_bAllowOverbright: - Allow 'shiny' lighting on models (recommended). - $ gap_iDepthBits: - Requested number of bits for z-buffer (24 or 32). Note: requires ApplyVideoMode() - $ gap_iStencilBits: - Requested number of bits for stencil buffer (0 or 8). Note: requires ApplyVideoMode() - $ gfx_fEnvParticlesDensity: - Specify density of grass and other environment particles. (1 = default) - $ gfx_fEnvParticlesRange: - Specify dissapearing radius of grass and other environment particles. (1 = default) - $ gfx_bRenderParticles: - Allow rendering of particle effects. - $ gfx_bRenderFog: - Allow rendering of fog and haze. - $ gfx_bRenderWorld: - Allow rendering of world. - $ gfx_bRenderModels: - Allow rendering of models. - $ gfx_bRenderPredicted: - Render entities that are predicted in network play. - $ gfx_bClearScreen: - DEBUG: Fill video buffer with black at the begining of each frame. - $ gap_iRefreshRate: - Set default screen refresh rate (in Hz; 0=don't set). - $ gfx_bDisableMultiMonSupport: - This is needed for systems that don't support multimonitor & OpenGL (Win98). If it is not set in Win98, OpenGL probably won't start. (has no effect on WinNT/2k) - $ gfx_ctMonitors: - How many monitors are attached to the system. - $ gfx_bMultiMonDisabled: - Set if multimonitor is currently disabled. - $ ogl_bGrabDepthBuffer: - When capturing screenshots, store Z-buffer values in screenshot alpha channel. - $ gfx_bDecoratedText: - Allow decorated text output (bold, italic, color/alpha change and flashing). - $ gfx_fSaturation: - Adjust global saturation: 0 = grayscale 0-1 = less color 1 = normal 1-2 = more color >2 = color wrapping occurs (might get some nice psychedelic effects!) NOTE: requires /RefreshTestures() - $ gfx_iHueShift: - Shift global HUE color component (0-359). NOTE: requires /RefreshTestures() - $ gfx_fBrightness: - Adjust display brightness: <0 = darken 0 = standard >0 = brighten (doesn't work on NT4 platform) - $ gfx_fContrast: - Adjust display contrast: <1 = low contrast 1 = standard >1 = high contrast (doesn't work on NT4 platform) - $ gfx_fGamma: - Adjust display gamma factor: <1 = darken 1 = standard >1 = brighten (doesn't work on NT4 platform) - $ gfx_iLevels: - Adjust color levels (posterization). 256 = standard (doesn't work on NT4 platform) - $ gfx_tmProbeDecay: - How long texture can remain unreferenced before probing. (in seconds) (60 is recommended) - $ gfx_fProbeRatio: - Maximum allowed texture and shadowmap upload/binds in one frame. (relative to maximum allowed texture size; 0.5 is recommended) - $ gfx_bDisableWindowsKeys: - Disable windows keys when in full-screen. (recommended) - $ tex_fSaturation: - Adjust texture saturation: 0 = grayscale 0-1 = less color 1 = normal 1-2 = more color >2 = color wrapping occurs (might get some nice psychedelic effects!) - $ tex_iHueShift: - Shift texture HUE color component (0-359). - $ shd_fSaturation: - Adjust light/shadow saturation: 0 = grayscale 0-1 = less color 1 = normal 1-2 = more color >2 = color wrapping occurs (might get some nice psychedelic effects!) - $ shd_iHueShift: - Shift light/shadow HUE color component (0-359). - $ gfx_iLensFlareQuality: - Quality of lens flare: 0 = do not render lens flare (and no z-buffer testing, also) 1 = render flare with corona only 2 = render flare with corona and reflections 3 = render flare with corona, reflections and glare effect - $ GAPInfo(): - Printout info about Graphics API subsystem (OpenGL or Direct3D). - $ SoundInfo(): - Printout info about sound subsystem. - $ ModelsInfo(): - Printout info about model rendering subsystem. - $ WorldInfo(): - Printout info about world rendering subsystem. - $ NetworkInfo(): - Printout info about networking subsystem. - $ TexturesInfo(): - Printout extensive report about texture memory usage. - $ RefreshTextures(): - Reload all loaded textures and uncache all cached shadow maps. - $ UncacheShadows(): - Uncache all cached shadow maps. - $ CacheShadows(): - Cache all shadow maps in world. (CAREFUL! - only for systems with lots of RAM) - $ RecacheShadows(): - Recache all shadow maps (uncache and eventually cache all). - $ ReloadModels(): - Reload all models. (this happens automatically when model precision is changed) - $ tex_iNormalQuality: - Quality of normal (single-frame) textures: (=XY, X for opaque textures, Y for translucent textures) 0 = optimal format (texture that requires 32-bit will be in 32-bit mode) 1 = 16-bit format (high-color, conserve memory, low gradients' quality) 2 = 32-bit format (true-color, requires more memory, looks great!) 3 = compressed format - $ tex_iAnimationQuality: - Quality of animation (multi-frame) textures: (=XY, X for opaque textures, Y for translucent textures) 0 = optimal format (texture that requires 32-bit will be in 32-bit mode) 1 = 16-bit format (high-color, conserve memory, low gradients' quality) 2 = 32-bit format (true-color, requires more memory, looks great!) 3 = compressed format - $ tex_bDynamicMipmaps: - Select whether to let effect textures to generated mipmaps or not. - $ tex_iDithering: - Dithering type for 16-bit textures (0-10): 0 = none 1-3 = low (recommended) 4-7 = medium 8-10 = high - $ tex_iNormalSize: - Maximum allowed size for normal textures (5-11). TexWidth*TexHeight <= 2^(tex_fNormalSize*2) - $ tex_iAnimationSize: - Maximum allowed size for animation textures (4-9). TexWidth*TexHeight <= 2^(tex_fAnimationSize*2) - $ tex_iEffectSize: - Maximum allowed size for effect textures (5-8). TexWidth*TexHeight <= 2^(tex_fEffectSize*2) - $ tex_iFogSize: - Maximum allowed size for fog texture (4-8). TexWidth*TexHeight <= 2^(tex_iFogSize*2) - $ tex_bFineEffect: - Set 32-bit quality for effect textures. (only if normal textures haven't been dithered) - $ tex_bFineFog: - Set 32-bit quality for fog/haze textures. - $ tex_iFiltering: - Filter type and strength for normal and animation textures (-6 to +6). <0 = more sharpen 0 = no filter >0 = more blur - $ tex_iEffectFiltering: - Filter type for fire/plasma effect textures (-6 to +6). <0 = more sharpen 0 = no filter >0 = more blur - $ tex_bProgressiveFilter: - Allow mipmap filtering in creation time (boosts filter strength). - $ tex_bCompressAlphaChannel: - When compressing translucent textures, also compress alpha channel. - $ tex_bAlternateCompression: - Use better (but lower) compression for opaque textures. - $ tex_bColorizeMipmaps: - DEBUG: Colorize mipmap levels. - $ shd_bFineQuality: - Allow 32-bit quality for shadow maps. - $ shd_iFiltering: - Blur filter strength for shadow maps (0=none; 6=max). - $ shd_iDithering: - Dithering type for 16-bit shadow maps (0-5): 0 = none 1,2 = low (recommended) 3,4 = medium 5 = high - $ shd_iStaticSize: - Maximum allowed size for static shadow maps (5-8). ShdWidth*ShdHeight <= 2^(shd_fStaticSize*2) - $ shd_iDynamicSize: - Maximum allowed size for dynamic shadow maps (5-8). ShdWidth*ShdHeight <= 2^(shd_fDynamicSize*2) - $ shd_iAllowDynamic: - Controls mixing and rendering of dynamic shadow maps. 0 = disallow (speed) 1 = allow only on some polygons (optimal) 2 = allow on every polygon (quality) - $ shd_bDynamicMipmaps: - Allow dynamic shadow maps to be generated with all mipmaps (faster). (depends on 'gap_bAllowSingleMipmap') - $ shd_tmFlushDelay: - How many seconds to keep stale cached shadow maps. - $ shd_fCacheSize: - Size of buffer for cached shadow maps (in MB). - $ shd_bCacheAll: - Cache all shadowmap upon level initialization. (CAREFUL! - only for systems with lots of RAM) - $ shd_bColorize: - Show shadomap texture size with colorization. Green = small Yellow = medium Red = large - $ shd_bAllowFlats: - Allow optimization of single colored (flat) shadowmaps to be optimized. - $ shd_bShowFlats: - Show shadomaps that are optimized as flat in blue color. - $ wld_bShowTriangles: - Show world triangles in wireframe. - $ wld_bShowDetailTextures: - DEBUG: Show detail textures in color. - $ wld_fEdgeOffsetI: - DEBUG: Rendering adjustment variable. - $ wld_fEdgeAdjustK: - DEBUG: Rendering adjustment variable. - $ wld_bAlwaysAddAll: - DEBUG: Allow adding of an entire world to rendering process. - $ wld_bRenderEmptyBrushes: - DEBUG: Allow rendering of empty brushes. - $ wld_bRenderShadowMaps: - DEBUG: Allow rendering of shadow maps layer. - $ wld_bRenderTextures: - DEBUG: Allow rendering of all texture layers. - $ wld_bTextureLayers: - Allow rendering of cpecified texture layer(s). Valid value is bitmask XYZ (each can be only 0 or 1): X - set rendering state of texture layer 1 Y - set rendering state of texture layer 2 Z - set rendering state of texture layer 3 - $ wld_bRenderDetailPolygons: - DEBUG: Allow rendering of detail polygons in world. - $ wld_iDetailRemovingBias: - LOD bias for removing detail textures. (3 is recommended) - $ wld_bRenderMirrors: - Allow rendering of mirrors and portals. - $ wld_bFastObjectOptimization: - EDITOR ONLY: Uses O(n log n) object optimization after CSG if enabled. Disable to use more accurate, but significantly slower O(n^2) algorithm. - $ con_bNoWarnings: - If set, warnings are reported to console only, not as requesters. Always should be off in the game. Only on in editors. - $ con_iLastLines: - Number of last console lines to be displayed on screen (0-15). - $ con_tmLastLines: - How many seconds to keep last console lines on screen (0-10). - $ con_fHeightFactor: - what part of screen height will console overtake (0.1-1.0) - $ ListSymbols(): - List user shell symbols. - $ MakeAccessViolation(): - DEBUG: Make an access violation. Use at own risk. - $ MakeStackOverflow(): - DEBUG: Make a stack overflow. Use at own risk. - $ MakeFatalError(): - DEBUG: Make fatal error. Use at own risk. - $ MemoryInfo(): - Report memory usage (heap walk; works only on WinNT/Win2K). - $ dbg_bBreak: - DEBUG: Invoke breakpoint. Meaningless if not running from debugger. - $ StockInfo(): - Print info on memory used by each stock. - $ StockDump(): - Dump detailed information on all stocks to a 'Temp\StockDump.txt'. - $ FreeUnusedStock(): - Free all unused objects from all stocks. - $ RendererInfo(): - Print info on memory used by renderer. - $ ClearRenderer(): - Free all renderer buffers. - $ dem_tmTimer: - Timer for demo playback [sec], you may increase this to skip forward, or you may move it slowly while in paused mode. - $ dem_fSyncRate: - Demo sync speed [in FPS] - can be fractional. 0.0 = realtime sync -1.0 = playing is paused (use dem_tmTimer to advance frame by frame) - $ dem_fRealTimeFactor: - Slow/fast playback factor. Active only when in realtime mode (dem_fSyncRate=0). - $ dem_bOnScreenDisplay: - On-screen-display of demo playing info. - $ dem_bPlay: - Play 'Temp\Play.dem' on next test game from within editor. - $ dem_bPlayByName: - Play demo given as world filename from command line. - $ dem_bProfile: - Enable/disable extensive demo profiling. - $ dem_iProfileRate: - Demo profile dump rate [in seconds, >=1]. (how often to report average FPS in dump file) - $ dem_iRecordedNumber: - Current number of quick-recorded demo. - $ StartDemoRecording(): - Starts recording of a new demo, by dem_iRecordedNumber into 'Temp\RecordedXX.dem'. - $ StopDemoRecording(): - Stops recording of current demo, either from normal recording or from quick recording. - $ ReportDemoProfile(): - Printout extensive demo profile to console - dem_bProfile must be enabled. (automatically invoked after playing of demo has been finished) - $ DumpDemoProfile(): - Dump extensive demo profile to file 'temp\DemoProfile.lst'. (output rate is controled thru dem_iProfileRate) - $ gam_bPretouch: - Allow pretouching of memory after loading. This might improve performance on systems with 128+ MB of RAM, but can cause some compatibility problems on Win9X/ME systems. - $ gam_fRealTimeFactor: - Realtime factor in game. <1 = slower 1 = normal >1 = faster - $ gam_iPrecachePolicy: - when and what to precache - $ dem_iAnimFrame: - Set to >=0 to start recording each frame of the replayed demo as one screenshot. Used for making movies from game demos. - $ gam_fManaTransferFactor: - How much mana to transfer when fragged another player. - $ gam_iInitialMana: - Initial mana of a player after starting. - $ gam_bQuickLoad: - Initiate quick-load in game. - $ gam_bQuickSave: - Initiate quick-save in game. - $ gam_iQuickStartDifficulty: - Difficulty level for testgame in SeriousEditor: 0 = easy 1 = normal 2 = hard 3 = serious - $ gam_iQuickStartMode: - Game mode for testgame in SeriousEditor: -1 = Flyover 0 = Cooperative 1 = DeathMatch (to be extended...) - $ ser_bReportSyncOK: - Set to make server report when received OK sync-check from a client. - $ ser_bReportSyncBad: - Set to make server report when received bad sync-check from a client. - $ ser_bPauseOnSyncBad: - Pause game when syncbad occurs on any client. - $ cmd_tmTick: - FOR SCRIPTS: current game tick - $ cmd_cmdOnTick: - FOR SCRIPTS: command(s) to be executed on each tick - $ cmd_cmdOnChat: - FOR SCRIPTS: command(s) to be executed on each chat message - $ cmd_strChatSender: - FOR SCRIPTS: sender of current message (can be modified) - $ cmd_strChatMessage: - FOR SCRIPTS: current chat message (can be modified) - $ net_tmLatency: - FOR SCRIPTS: current latency - $ net_tmLatencyAvg: - How often to refresh latency for on-screen display. - $ net_iCompression: - Type of compression used when sending packets: 0 = no compression 1 = optimal compression - fast 2 = best compression - slow Use high compression only for dedicated servers with lots of players. It is not needed if player count is low (<8), and it can drain CPU too much if server is not dedicated. - $ net_strLocalHost: - Name of local network interface to bind to. Both numeric and symbolic names are allowed. Use this for multihomed system in order to host a game, or connect to a game using a specific interface. - $ net_strLocationCode: - Location code for country or state where the server is running. This is used for reporting server locaction in internet games, so that users would know which server is closer to them. This should be set to a 5 digit ZIP code (for US) or 2 letter abbreviation by ISO Standard 3166 (for other conutries). If set to empty string (default), engine will look up default country locale set in system. - $ net_bDumpStreamBlocks: - DEBUG: dump network stream blocks to file. - $ net_bDumpConnectionInfo: - DEBUG: dump network connection info to file. - $ net_strConnectPassword: - Password for connecting to server. - $ net_strAdminPassword: - Password for remote administration of the server. - $ Admin(): - Remote-execute a console command on the server. You must have a valid net_strAdminPassword set for that server. If your password is wrong, you will be kicked out. Example: /Admin("NetworkInfo();") Will give you list of all players and their info. - $ net_bReportSockets: - Report debugging information on TCP/IP socket connections. - $ ser_tmSyncCheckFrequency: - How often should client generate sync-check (in seconds). The value is taken at server start and frozen for entire duration of the game. - $ ser_iSyncCheckBuffer: - How many old sync-checks should server keep buffered. - $ ser_tmKeepAlive: - How often to send keep-alive messages. (in seconds) - $ ser_tmPingUpdate: - How often to send ping-update from other clients. (in seconds) - $ ser_bWaitFirstPlayer: - Game is paused until the first player has been joined. - $ ser_iMaxAllowedBPS: - Limit maxium outgoing bandwidth per client (bytes per second). - $ Kick(): - Kicks player from server. Input parameters are client number (you can find it with NetworkInfo()), and explanation message. Example: /Kick(2, "please behave") - $ net_iPort: - TCP port to use for network connection. Two more successive ports may be used. - $ net_tmTimeOut: - Timeout value (in seconds) for receiving data from server. If no data is received in given ammount of time, the connection is considered lost. - $ net_bReportCRC: - If set, all CRC values will be reported to the console, so you can check which file has wrong CRC. - $ ser_iRememberBehind: - Number of ticks remembered by server for resending. - $ cli_iReceiveBehind: - Number of last ticks that server replicates when sending actions to this to client. Remote-configurable at client. 1 = no replication - $ cli_iSendBehind: - Number of last ticks that client replicates when sending actions to the server. 1 = no replication - $ cli_iBufferActions: - Number of last ticks buffered on server to compensate for lag-oscillation. Remote-configurable at client. 1 = no compensation - $ net_iGraphBuffer: - How many last net-info values to hold in buffer (20-1000). - $ hud_bShowNetGraph: - Show net graph on screen. - $ hud_bShowMessages: - Show counter of unread messages. - $ net_iExactTimer: - Exactness level for network timer handling: 0 = lowest possible (if network is busy when timer is due, timer is skipped) 1 = partial (timers can be skipped, but are compensated later) 2 = highest possible (if network is busy, timer waits) Default value is 2, lowering could give some small performance bonus in single player, but will produce jerky movement in network play. - $ cli_bEmulateDesync: - Pretend this computer has lost sync. - $ ser_iExtensiveSyncCheck: - Do sync-check on all entities in the world. Configured on server before starting the session. - $ cli_bDumpSync: - Dump sync data to file. - $ cli_bDumpSyncEachTick: - DEBUG: Dump sync data to file at each tick. (careful!) - $ ser_iExtensiveSyncCheck: - DEBUG: Do extensive sync check on server. (careful!) 0 = minimal (default) 1 = check all players and movers 2 = check all entities in world 3 = check all entities extensively - $ ser_bClientsMayPause: - If set, clients may pause. If not set, only server may pause the game. - $ ser_bEnumeration: - Enable/disable server from beeing enumerated in any way, either on LAN or iNet. Clients will have to know exact address of the server to connect. - $ ser_bHeartbeatGameSpy: - Enable/disable server from reporting to GameSpy master server. This must be adjusted before the server is started. Changing this value while the server is running has no effect until restart of server. - $ cli_bPrediction: - Enable/disable prediction. - $ cli_iMaxPredictionSteps: - Maximum upper limit for prediction (one step = 0.05s). If lag gets above that value, it will be visible. - $ cli_bPredictIfServer: - DEBUG: If this is set, prediction will be active even on server. - $ cli_bPredictLocalPlayers: - If this is set local players will be predicted. - $ cli_bReportPredicted: - Printout entities that are predicted. - $ cli_bPredictRemotePlayers: - If this is set remote players will be predicted. - $ cli_fPredictEntitiesRange: - If this is set to a number greater that 0, all predictable entities (enemies, projectiles,...) within the given range (in meters) will be predicted. - $ cli_bAutoAdjustSettings: - If on, engine will automatically adjust prediction settings (cli_bPrediction and cli_iBufferActions) depending on current lag. - $ cli_tmAutoAdjustThreshold: - Time value (in seconds) of apparent lag allowed before prediction is turned on. - $ cli_bLerping: - Controls linear interpolation of current frame between two game 'ticks'. If you turn this off, the game will appear as if running at the frequency of 20Hz. - $ cli_bLerpActions: - Controls linear interpolation of current player actions between two game 'ticks'. (not functional yet) - $ net_bLookupHostNames: - Resolve numeric IP addresses of remote hosts into symbolic name. If your DNS is set up wrong, or is too slow, clients won't be able to connect to this computer if you turn this off. - $ inp_iKeyboardReadingMethod: - How to read keyboard: 0 = using GetAsyncKey() (causes sticky mouse buttons on Win95) 1 = trapping virtual key messages (doesn't distinguish left & right keys) 2 = trapping keyboard scan codes (best method) - $ inp_fMouseSensitivity: - Global sensitivity for mouse movement. - $ inp_bInvertMouse: - Invert Y axis on mouse. - $ inp_i2ndMousePort: - COM port used for . - $ snd_fEarsDistance: - Distance between listener's ears. - $ snd_fDelaySoundSpeed: - Sound speed used for delay [m/s]. - $ snd_fDopplerSoundSpeed: - Sound speed used for doppler effect [m/s]. - $ snd_fPanStrength: - Panning modifier. - $ snd_fLRFilter: - Strength of left/right filter. - $ snd_fBFilter: - Strength of back filter. - $ snd_fUFilter: - Strength of up filter. - $ snd_fDFilter: - Strength of down filter. - $ snd_fSoundVolume: - Master volume for sound effects, wave output (0-1, 0=off, 1=max). - $ snd_fMusicVolume: - Master volume for music, MPEG output (0-1, 0=off, 1=max). - $ snd_tmMixAhead: - How many seconds to mix sound ahead (0.1 - 1.0). - $ snd_bMono: - Simulate mono output. - $ snd_fNormalizer: - How aggressive to normalize clipped sounds (0-1). 0 = don't normalize at all 1 = complete normalization - $ snd_iMaxExtraChannels: - How many extra channels to take if device supports multiple channels. Used to prevent background sound from popping in on SBLive and similar. - $ snd_iFormat: - Set sound format frequency (0-3). 0 = no sound 1 = 11 kHz 2 = 22 kHz 3 = 44 kHz (all formats are 16bit stereo) - $ snd_iDevice: - Which sound device to use, if multiple sound cards are present in system. - $ snd_iInterface: - What API to use for sound output: 0 = WaveOut (in case of compatibility problems) 1 = DirectSound 2 = EAX (if supported) - $ snd_fEAXPanning: - Adjust panning for EAX (only if needed). <1 = pan left 0 = center (recommended) >1 = pan right - $ snd_iMaxOpenRetries: - How many times to retry when opening sound output. - $ snd_tmOpenFailDelay: - How long to wait when retrying to retry open sound output. - $ ctl_tmComputerDoubleClick: - Double click delay for calling computer. - $ ctl_fButtonRotationSpeedH: - Speed of rotating via keyboard around heading axis. - $ ctl_fButtonRotationSpeedP: - Speed of rotating via keyboard around pitch axis. - $ ctl_fButtonRotationSpeedB: - Speed of rotating via keyboard around banking axis. - $ ctl_fAxisStrafingModifier: - How sensitive is mouse or joystick when strafing. (relative to rotation speed) - $ hud_bShowInfo: - Show general HUD information. - $ hud_iShowPlayers: - Show a list of all connected players: 1 = show list 0 = hide list -1 = automatic, i.e. show only in multiplayer - $ hud_iSortPlayers: - Sort players' list by: -1 = autosort 0 = unsorted 1 = name 2 = health 3 = score 4 = mana 5 = frags 6 = deaths autosort sorts: - by frags for fragmatch - by score for scorematch - by health for cooperative - $ hud_tmLatencySnapshot: - How often to calculate latency. - $ hud_bShowLatency: - Show latency. - $ hud_bShowWeapon: - Show current weapon on screen. - $ hud_bColorize: - Add cyan and yellow colors for graduation of ammounts. - $ hud_iColor: - Set HUD color (in RGB). - $ hud_fOpacity: - Set HUD opacity (0-1). - $ hud_fScaling: - Set HUD scaling factor. - $ hud_tmWeaponsOnScreen: - How many seconds will weapon list remain on screen when changing weapons. - $ plr_fBreathingStrength: - Strength of player breathing. - $ plr_tmSnoopingTime: - How many seconds to keep snooping info after targeting player. - $ plr_tmSnoopingDelay: - How many seconds will pass when targeting player before snooping mode will be activated. - $ cht_bGod: - Allow invulnerability. - $ cht_bFly: - Allow flying. - $ cht_bGhost: - Allow walking thru walls. - $ cht_bInvisible: - Enemies cannot see you. - $ cht_fTranslationMultiplier: - Player speed multiplier (turbo mode). - $ cht_bGiveAll: - Give all weapons and ammo. - $ cht_bKillAll: - Kill all enemies that have you as target. - $ cht_bOpen: - Open door that is targeted. (in case you've stuck somewhere) - $ cht_bAllMessages: - Receive all NETRICSA messages. - $ cht_bRefresh: - Refresh health. - $ cht_iGoToMarker: - Number of start marker to go to. - $ plr_fFOV: - Change player field-of-view. - $ plr_fFrontClipDistance: - At what distance from eye-view, clipping to front plane will occur (0.05-0.5). (works only in-game, not in editor views) - $ plr_bRenderPicked: - If on, you can still see items that you have picked if WeaponsStay is on. - $ plr_bRenderPickedParticles: - If on, you can still see particles on items that you have picked if WeaponsStay is on. - $ plr_bOnlySam: - Disable all player models except Serious Sam (to conserve memory) - $ hud_bCrosshairFixed: - Render crosshair always in center of screen with constant size. - $ hud_bCrosshairColoring: - Crosshair color represents enemy's energy. - $ hud_iCrosshairType: - Selects type of crosshir (0=none). - $ hud_fCrosshairScale: - Sets crosshair size (relative scaling factor). - $ hud_fCrosshairRatio: - Sets crosshair size ratio with distance (relative scaling factor). - $ hud_fCrosshairOpacity: - Set opacity for crosshair. - $ hud_bShowResolution: - Displays current window or screen resolution. - $ hud_bShowPlayerName: - Show name of targeted player (in multiplayer). - $ hud_bShowUse: - Show when 'use' function can be invoked. - $ hud_bShowCoords: - Show coordinates where player crosshair points to. - $ hud_bShowTime: - Show elapsed playing time. - $ hud_iStats: - Show frame statistics: 0 = none 1 = only FPS 2 = extensive timers - $ plr_iSelectPickedWeapon: - Automatically select picked weapon: 0 = never 1 = only if weapon is picked for the first time 2 = always - $ MakeWorldStatistics(): - Dump statistics about current level to file. - $ ReoptimizeAllBrushes(): - EDITOR ONLY: Re-optimize all brushes in the world. - $ SaveScreenShot(): - Saves a screenshot to 'Screenshots\' directory. - $ sam_bWideScreen: - Play in wide screen format (requires video mode restart). - $ sam_bToggleConsole: - Invokes/shuts console (for key binding). - $ sam_bFastAltTab: - Allow fast Alt-TAB switching, without reloading driver. - $ sam_iMaxFPSActive: - Maximum refresh rate when active (in FPS). - $ sam_iMaxFPSInactive: - Maximum refresh rate when inactive (in FPS). - $ sam_tmDisplayModeReport: - How may seconds to keep display mode info on screen. - $ sam_iVideoSetup: - Select predefined rendering preferences: 0 = speed 1 = normal (default) 2 = quality 3 = custom - $ sam_bAutoPlayDemos: - Allow auto-playing of demos. - $ ApplyRenderingPreferences(): - Applies current rendering preferences. - $ ApplyVideoMode(): - Restarts video interface. - $ Quit(): - Quit Serious Sam. - $ Benchmark(): - Measure 3D accelerator OpenGL performance. - $ wed_bSaveTestGameFirstTime: - Save test game when starting testgame first time, even if nothing was changed. This is to enable reinitialization of entities. Turn it off if you want to record demos from within editor. - $ wed_bIgnoreTJunctions: - Edges that share t-junction do not touch. - $ wed_fFrontClipDistance: - At what distance from eye-view, clipping to front plane will occur (0.02-2.0). (works only in editor views, not in-game) - $ fil_bPreferZips: - If set, files are first searched in group files, instead of looking on disk first. - $ ser_bReportSyncLate: - If set, server reports incoming syncs that come from client too late (after server has already flushed them from buffer). - $ ser_bReportSyncEarly: - If set, server reports incoming syncs that come from client too early. This can happen if the server gets very slow, or is emulating a local lag. - $ ser_iKickOnSyncBad: - Determines how many bad syncs will a server tolerate before kicking a client. 0 means no kicking at all - note that that can lead to complete desynchronization of a game. - $ ser_bKickOnSyncLate: - If set, server kicks a client when no sync was received for more than 2x entire sync buffer on the server. It is assumed that the client has stopped responding. - $ net_tmConnectionTimeout: - Timeout before a connection attempt is canceled. (in seconds) - $ net_tmProblemsTimeout: - Timeout before 'Connection unstable' is reported. (in seconds) - $ net_tmDisconnectTimeout: - How long to wait for packets from server before disconnection. (in seconds) - $ net_bReportTraffic: - DEBUG: Report sizes of all incoming/outgoing packets. - $ net_bLerping: - Controls interpolation between frames. - $ cli_fPredictionFilter: - Amount of filtering in between prediction errors. 0=no filtering must be <1, or entities will run out of control. - $ cli_iMaxBPS: - Server side client configurable. Controls upper limit on outgoing traffic from client to server during connection. This limits overload on the client's connection. Determined in bytes per second. - $ cli_iMinBPS: - Server side client configurable. Controls lower limit on outgoing traffic from client to server during play time. If higher than minimum needed to keep the connection, it will cause replicated packets from server to client. That is good because it compensates for lost packets. But setting it too high can choke a clients incoming bandwidth. Determined in bytes per second. - $ net_fLimitLatencySend: - Emulate outgoing latency (seconds) - $ net_fLimitLatencyRecv: - Emulate incoming latency (seconds) - $ net_fLatencyVariationSend: - Emulate outgoing latency variation (seconds) - $ net_fLatencyVariationRecv: - Emulate incoming latency variation (seconds) - $ net_fLimitBandwidthSend: - Emulate outgoing bandwidth limit (bits per second). - $ net_fLimitBandwidthRecv: - Emulate incoming bandwidth limit (bits per second). - $ net_fDropPackets: - Emulate packet loss (factor 0-1). - $ phy_fCollisionCacheAhead: - FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES ONLY - DO NOT CHANGE! - $ phy_fCollisionCacheAround: - FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES ONLY - DO NOT CHANGE! - $ inp_bAllowMouseAcceleration: - Enable/disable mouse acceleration in game. (it should be enabled if 'sharp turning' is on) - $ inp_bMousePrecision: - Reduce mouse sensitivity for sharp aiming. (not recommended) - $ inp_fMousePrecisionFactor: - For mouse precision mode control. (obsolete) - $ inp_fMousePrecisionThreshold: - For mouse precision mode control. (obsolete) - $ inp_fMousePrecisionTimeout: - For mouse precision mode control. (obsolete) - $ inp_bFilterMouse: - Allow mouse filtering (smoothing). - $ inp_bAllowPrescan: - Allow reading of input actions on each frame, instead each tick. (required for sharp turning) - $ inp_ctJoysticksAllowed: - Maximum number of joystick ports to read. - $ inp_bForceJoystickPolling: - Force polling of joystick even if no players have joystick configured. - $ inp_bAutoDisableJoysticks: - Automatically disable any joystick that has failed a poll. - $ inp_bMsgDebugger: - Printout of all user messages (>WM_USER) to console. You can use this to determine mouse messages for your custom mouse buttons. - $ inp_iMButton4Up: - Windows message for releasing the 4th mouse button. - $ inp_iMButton4Dn: - Windows message for pressing the 4th mouse button. - $ inp_iMButton5Up: - Windows message for releasing the 5th mouse button. - $ inp_iMButton5Dn: - Windows message for pressing the 5th mouse button. - $ cli_fPredictPlayersRange: - Range inside which all players will be predicted, no matter if local or remote. - $ cli_fPredictItemsRange: - Range inside items get predicted - for smoother item pickup. - $ cli_tmPredictFoe: - How long (in secs) to predict you foe player after last time you targeted it. Used in deathmatch. - $ cli_tmPredictAlly: - How long (in secs) to predict your ally player after last time you targeted it. Used in cooperative. - $ cli_tmPredictEnemy: - How long (in secs) to predict you an enemy after last time you targeted it. Used in cooperative. - $ cli_tmPredictEnemy: - How long (in seconds) to predict you an enemy after last time you targeted it. Used in cooperative. - $ gam_iCredits: - Number of credits available for respawning in coop. -1 = infinite 0 = no respawning - $ gam_iScoreLimit: - Score limit for scorematch. - $ gam_iScoreLimit: - Score limit for scorematch. 0=nolimit - $ gam_iFragLimit: - Frag limit for fragmatch. 0=nolimit - $ gam_iTimeLimit: - Time limit for fragmatch/scorematch (minutes). 0=nolimit - $ gam_ctMaxPlayers: - Maximum number of players allowed to connect. - $ gam_bWaitAllPlayers: - If turned on, game is paused until all players join in. Useful if you connection is slow. - $ gam_bWeaponsStay: - Whether weapons stay after beeing picked up. - $ gam_iQuickSaveSlots: - Number of slots to reserve for quicksaving. After all the slots are used, quick saves wrap around. - $ gam_iStartDifficulty: - Difficulty level: -1 = tourist 0 = easy 1 = normal 2 = hard 3 = serious - $ gam_iStartMode: - Game mode: 0 = coop 1 = scorematch 2 = fragmatch - $ gam_iObserverConfig: - Split screen configuration (1-4 players) for observing, demo replay or advanced observing. - $ gam_iObserverOffset: - Scroll between players when observing. - $ gam_tmSpawnInvulnerability: - How long the player is invulnerable after respawning. (in seconds) - $ gam_iBlood: - Type of blood in game: 0 = none 1 = green 2 = red 3 = hippie (flower-power!) (cannot be changed during game) - $ gam_bGibs: - Allow/dissalow gibbing and body explosions. (cannot be changed during game) - $ gam_bAmmoStays: - - $ gam_bHealthArmorStays: - - $ gam_bAllowHealth: - - $ gam_bAllowArmor: - - $ gam_bInfiniteAmmo: - - $ gam_bFriendlyFire: - - $ gam_bPlayEntireGame: - - $ gam_bRespawnInPlace: - When set, players will respawn in place - if killed by a monster. When killed by an environmental hazard, player will always respawn at last marker. - $ gam_fExtraEnemyStrength: - How much to increase enemy strength (for coop play). i.e: 0.15 = 15% - $ gam_fExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer: - How much to increase enemy strength per each player (for coop play). i.e: 0.1 for 5 player = 50% in total - $ Say: - void Say(CTString) Used for binding sentences to keys. Like 'Say("Sorry")'. - $ SayFromTo: - void SayFromTo(void) Say message to from one player to one or more other players. SayFromTo(1<